Episode #121 – Comics on the Side (Jobs)

Making comics while making money – Andy and Joey talk about a couple different schools of thought on “side jobs” while making comics.

Episode #120 – Working for the Big Two

Andy and Joey discuss the goal of working for DC and Marvel, different paths people take, and fan fiction.

Episode #119 – Translating Your Current Skill Set Into Comics

Translating your current skill set into making comics: ways you can start to make comics wherever you are in your career.

Episode #118 – Writing Short Stories with Paul Allor

Writer Paul Allor joins Joey to talk about short story writing, including expanding the world of his mini series Past the Last Mountain.

Episode #117 – Project File Management

Project file management for comics project: theory and practice of for keeping track of your files with your collaborators.

Episode #116 – Well-Crafted Pitches

The elements of a well-crafted creator-owned pitch to submit to a publisher.