Intro to Coloring SOLD OUT! — Enroll now for Figure Drawing, Editing, and Lettering

ComicsExperience-LOGOOur Introduction to Comic Book Coloring course has officially sold out, nearly a month before the first class meeting! Thanks to everyone who signed up!

Our other upcoming courses are filling as well, so if you want in to our courses below, don’t delay!



Introduction to Figure Drawing & Construction will be taught by Robert Atkins, a professional comic book artist who has worked on G.I. Joe, Snake Eyes, Amazing Spider-Man, Heroes for Hire, Ultimatum Fantastic Four: Requiem and many others.

In this online course, you’ll focus on being able to build from scratch the entire human figure with correct and proportional anatomy without the need for photo reference.

atkins-art-class-screenshotDuring the course, you’ll build on an established foundation of basic forms to construct your figures. Each week you’ll receive an intense tutorial describing each muscle group of the body and how the muscles are constructed and drawn. You’ll see examples of how the muscles learned can then be applied to various industry methods of drawing such as comics, animation and concept design.

[NOTE: This is your last chance to fulfill the required prerequisite for our Advanced Figure Drawing & Construction course which begins November 14th!]

And if you want to know more about your instructor, just check out what one of Robert’s former students had to say about his teaching skills right here.

Introduction to Figure Drawing & Construction with Robert Atkins
Begins September 19, 2013!



In Andy Schmidt‘s four-week intensive class, you’ll learn how to manage a budget and timetable, bring the best out of your writers and artists, problem solve, and make a professional-level project!

Andy takes a conversational approach to this class that allows for individualization for every student as well as relating a career’s worth of experience in a way that is useful, organized, concise, and fun!

workshop screenshotAndy’s techniques and editorial approach have helped craft some of Marvel’s biggest events in the last 10 years (Civil War, Annihilation, X-Men: Messiah CompleX) as well as revived franchises to new creative heights while at IDW (G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Dungeons & Dragons). If you want to help build great comics with real sales potential, this course is invaluable!

Comic Book Editing & Project Management with Andy Schmidt
Begins September 25, 2013!



Comic Book Lettering and Production will be taught by professional letterer Dave Sharpe, who has been in the business for twenty years.

In this seven-week course, Dave will take you through the programs, the thought-process, and the decision-making skills to create comics with slick, professional lettering. As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also learn the production work associated with publishing comics! Setting up covers with logos, cover elements, integrating the digital lettering files with the digital color files properly, and page set-up along with a healthy dose of trouble-shooting the most common problems.

lettering-screenshotDave started out hand lettering in the Marvel Bullpen before moving to digital lettering, taught lettering at the Joe Kubert School in the mid-90s, and developed and led the Marvel in-house lettering department for two years.

Since then, Dave is now lettering regularly for DC, in addition to working with many small publishers as well. He is, without a doubt, one of the most well respected, talented, and professional letterers in the comics business.

To quote Comics Experience founder (and ex-Marvel and IDW Editor) Andy Schmidt, “Dave can teach. I’ve seen him do it and he taught me much while I worked at Marvel. In the first ten minutes, he taught me enough about lettering that I could talk reasonably intelligently about it with the seasoned Marvel staff. Thank you for that, Dave.

Learning how to letter can save you money on your projects and improve your storytelling. Plus, bad lettering can kill the impression your book makes! Read more about all of that right here.

Comic Book Lettering and Production with Dave Sharpe
Begins February 10, 2014!


Our courses are offered LIVE, streaming online, and you can attend from wherever you live. You’ll be able to see your instructor and his desktop, interact with your classmates, and discuss your classwork in real time. Recordings are available during the duration of the course if you miss one, and you’ll be able to communicate with your classmates all week long in a special, dedicated online forum for just you and your class.

We hope to see you in our courses or as part of our Creators Workshop community. Sign up now!

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!