Outré #2 free anthology available, co-edited by CE Member Glenn Møane

outre-logoCE Creators Workshop member Glenn Møane is co-editor of the new digital comic book anthology, Outré, which has just released its second issue in December 2013.

Among other creators, the first issue includes colors on the story “Brenda” by CE alum and Workshop member Nic Shaw. The story is written by Jonathan Clode with art by Jonas Larsen.

outre-2-coverIn addition, the issue contains an interview with Rachel Deering, and several other comic book shorts and articles.

You can download your FREE copy of the full anthology right here.

The Outré anthology is the brainchild of Norwegian comic book creators Magnus Aspli and Glenn Møane. Both are fans of short stories, and have said, “the anthology will feature stories by creators who have something to say and are hungry to get their work out there.”

“We want to deliver a thoughtful and unique product with superb quality in art and storytelling. For free.”

Outré is published several times a year with each issue featuring four stories by four different creative teams, as well as two in-depth creator conversations and four stand-alone illustrations playing on the theme of the issue. Each story in Outré is self-contained and eight pages in length.

The theme of the current issue is “hopelessness,” with the following issue focused on “xenophobia.”

Regarding submissions, Glenn noted that “We’re still looking for artists to participate in the third issue (‘xenophobia’), which will be out next year, on Free Comic Book Day. We’ll be opening submissions for #4 soon. Any artists who’d like to be a part of #3 can e-mail their samples to submissions@outrepress.com.”

Congrats to Glenn, Nic and everyone involved in the anthology!

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!