Peter David to teach one-day Master Seminar on “Writing Great Characters” — Enrollment open!

david-bioOn Saturday, March 8, 2014, writer Peter David will teach a one-day, live-streaming online Master Seminar: Writing Great Characters. This is your opportunity to learn directly from a master comic book writer.

Peter David practices a writing method in which his characters guide his stories, and he’ll be providing an in-depth look at getting to the core of the character, creating interactions and conflicts between characters, and how to put your characters in the driver’s seat and let them guide you. Of course, he’ll also be covering scripting techniques designed to bring the heart of your character onto the final printed page.

Along with Peter, Comics Experience’s Andy Schmidt will co-host the day’s event, and the day will end with a Q&A from the audience.

hulk-coverThis Master Seminar will be offered one time only, on Saturday, March 8. However, if you’re unable to make the live session, those who register will have access to a recording of the seminar for two full weeks after the session.

Peter David is the New York Times best-selling author of both comics and novels. He’s written for the big and little screens, and is widely respected as one of the most prolific writers of pop-culture fiction working today.

Peter’s comic book resume includes an award-winning twelve-year run on The Incredible Hulk, and he has also worked on such varied and popular titles as X-Factor, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Fallen Angel, Supergirl, and Young Justice.

David has written for nearly every comics publisher in existence and has written for nearly every major pop-culture franchise including X-Men, Superman, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Star Trek, and Transformers.

The course will be held from 10:00am until approximately 4:00pm Eastern Time, with a one-hour break for lunch. All are welcome for this live, online streaming session, and there are no pre-requisite courses.


If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!