Comics legend Klaus Janson teaches one-day Master Seminar — Enrollment open!

janson-bioOn Saturday, August 24, 2013, the legendary Klaus Janson will teach a one-day, live-streaming online Master Seminar: Comic Book Boot Camp. This is your opportunity to have one of the most heralded creators of the last 30 years impart his considerable knowledge on making great comics to you.

Plus, as a special bonus, students who send in up to three pages of sequential art before the Seminar deadline will receive a written critique of their work from Klaus following the Seminar!

“Klaus is the guy companies hire to come in and teach their young creators and editorial staff about storytelling,” said Andy Schmidt, founder of Comics Experience.

“When I was at Marvel, I was lucky enough to attend classes taught by Klaus two or three times. As an editor, it was such a crash-course in storytelling, but it also made me a much better comics writer. I saved every note I made, and my hand never stopped writing.

“There is one word for this: INVALUABLE,” Andy said. “I’ve been trying to get Klaus to do this or something like it since 2007. He’s agreed to do it ONLY ONCE.”

This course is recommended for artists, writers, and comics enthusiasts alike. Topics covered range from writing for visual storytelling, pacing, layouts, moment-to-moment transitions, storytelling and dramatic power, decision-making, draftsmanship, clarity of communication, and more.

Klaus believes that communication is the most powerful tool human beings possess. The ability to communicate can come in many forms, but at its root, communication is called storytelling.

Janson’s years of professional experience both as a comic creator and as a comics teacher have made him the most sought after instructor of comics in the world.

His body of work is seen in seminal works from both DC Comics and Marvel Comics as well as his own personal works. His teaching experience goes back 20 years with New York’s School of Visual Arts.

Pun1When DC Comics decided to publish a book on penciling and inking comics, Janson was who they had to get–the result is Janson’s books The DC Comics Guide to Penciling Comics and The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics.

Klaus’s artistic and storytelling journey has led to some of the most creatively and artistically successful comics in mainstream America as well as ground-breaking runs on popular characters like Batman, Daredevil, The Punisher and the Avengers. In 1986, Klaus and Frank Miller changed the course of the comics industry with their powerful work on Batman: The Dark Knight Returns.

Along with Janson, Comics Experience’s Andy Schmidt will co-host the day’s event, and the day will end with a Q&A from the audience, so come prepared!

The course will be held from 10:00am until approximately 4:00pm Eastern Time, with a one-hour break for lunch. This is a one-time only opportunity to learn from a modern master of the comic art form!

All are welcome for this live, online streaming session, and there are no pre-requisite courses.


If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!