Some Kind Reviews of Scott Johnson’s Introduction to Digital Painting!

Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson’s Introduction to Digital Painting course starts next week on July 14! Previous participants have been raving about the high quality of the education they received, and how they’ve sharpened their skills considerably as a result of Scott’s instruction.

As former student Dan Shipton put it, “It blew me away with the differences between coloring something, and creating an image with color – no inks laid down, just a pencil draft to work from.”

“Having to make my darkest blacks to lightest lights and everything in between was new and required me to turn my brain on its side and approach things differently,” he says. “The projects/homework are fun – you could practically feel the excitement through the computer screen for some of the projects, chomping at the bit to get at them.”
Scott’s passion for art drives this course, and he appreciates the variety of perspectives that his students bring to the proceedings.

“The students in my class have been really diverse,” he says. “In the past 2 years I’ve had an 8th grade student, an art teacher, a fashion designer, a professional comic book colorist, a high school student… it’s a really wide range experience and skill level.”

“I want every student to finish the course with knowledge that they can apply to their unique needs,” he says.

This personalized attention to everyone’s background and needs is aligned with Comics Experience ethos, and it’s why Scott’s Introduction to Digital Painting has inspired such glowing reviews. We keep our class sizes small to ensure that all participants enjoy the chance to outline their personal goals and work toward achieving them under the guidance of an experienced professional.

Slots are still open for the Introduction to Digital Painting class, but you better hurry. We only have a few spaces left. You can register here.

What can you expect when you get started? Scott has written an excellent overview of what to expect from his Introduction to Digital Painting course, and how it was designed to fit snugly into the Comics Experience curriculum. You can read it here.


If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Meredith Nudo