Comics Experience Books in Diamond Previews!

Comics Experience’s publications are now appearing in Diamond Previews! Now, in addition to buying our books at conventions, ordering online, or buying in digital format, you have the option to purchase directly from your favorite comics retailer. All titles are part of our publishing partnership with Source Point Press.

In stores August 2018:

First up is Griefappearing in the June 2018 Diamond Previews catalog for an August 29 in-store date. This anthology explores experiences of grief and loss, with stories written by CE alum and Creators Workshop member Frank Gogol, and art by a various artists. Pre-order it from your retailer using Diamond Code JUN181984.


In stores September 2018:

The Family Graves and Wretched Things will both launch #1 issues in September, and will be available for store pre-order starting in July. Both are four-issue limited series helmed by Comics Experience community members.

The Family Graves is a story about a mismatched family of monsters tasked with protecting humanity from a power-hungry vampire. The creative team features CE alum Tim Bach on scripts, Creators Workshop Pro Member Brian Atkins on art, Dijjo Lima on color, and CE alum Marco Della Verde on lettering.

Wretched Things explores a world where spiders, mice, and other creatures struggle through complex relationships and the conflicts that ensue. The series features writing by alum Devon Wong, art by alum Ken Perry, and colors and lettering by John Hunt.

In stores 2019:

Achilles, Inc., penned by Comics Experience founder Andy Schmidt, is set for an early 2019 release. This limited series introduces a world with plenty of super powers… but NO superheroes. Artist Daniel Maine, colorist Francesca Zambon, and letterer Marco Della Verde round out the creative team. Look for pre-order info in the months ahead!

We look forward to offering all four titles through Diamond at comic shops everywhere! In the meantime, you can also find them at Source Point Press’ convention tables at cons throughout the U.S., on comiXology, and at the Source Point online store.

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Nicole Boose