Get it written

Rich Douek describes how taking the Introduction to Writing Comics course gave him the tools to take his big idea and make it into a real, complete script.

Creator: Rich Douek

Comic: Gutter Magic (get it in print | get it digital)

Douek says: Gutter Magic started off as a 5-page short in the Introduction to Comic Book Writing course, and grew into a full series – first as single issues, then a trade paperback from IDW. A spinoff series, Tales from the Gutter, met its Kickstarter goal and expanded the alternate history steampunk universe further.

During the publishing process, Andy [Schmidt] was an invaluable resource as an editor and advisor. It’s safe to say that Gutter Magic wouldn’t be what it is without Comics Experience, and I’ll always be grateful to it for helping to get my comics writing career off the ground.

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