CE Represent! Annihilation Makes Newsarama’s “10 Best Marvel Stories” List!

Newsarama has announced their readers’ choices for the 10 Best Marvel Comics Stories of All Time, and Annihilation — spearheaded by our own Andy Schmidt — made the list!

Newsarama asked readers to submit their three favorite Marvel stories ever published, and received an overwhelming response. They assigned a point system to determine the top ten.

annihilation-book-1Annihilation was published in 2006, and launched a new era for Marvel’s cosmic stories. Among the eventual tie-in titles was Guardians of the Galaxy, now scheduled for film release in summer 2014.

During his tenure on Marvel’s editorial staff, Andy proposed the Annihilation project based on his long-standing fondness for Marvel’s cosmic characters.

On making the 10 Best list, Andy says:

I’m very proud of the work that all the creators did on Annihilation. I had a plan, a direction and tone I wanted to go in, what I thought would be something that felt new, but we were all very much aware that we were not the creators of these characters, and we wanted to celebrate what come before, while pushing in a new direction.

The result–making its way to a major motion picture–has far exceeded any of our wildest dreams.

So I’d say congratulations to all the writers, artists, color artists, letterer, and fellow editors–and thank you to all the fans that kept pushing Marvel Cosmic forward and spreading the good word.

Congrats to Andy, and to all the creators whose work is represented on the list of Marvel favorites!

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Nicole Boose