Comics Pros Provide Guidance, Support on Creators Workshop!

The Comics Experience Creators Workshop is an online, subscription-based forum that offers resources to comic creators ranging from beginners to established pros. One great benefit is that all members can interact freely with one another in a respectful, supportive environment.

Got a question about self-publishing or budgeting? You’ll find someone on the forum who has experience in that area, and wants to share it.

Want to know how a professional working artist manages his or her schedule, or navigates a potentially sensitive conflict? Ask, and you’ll get honest answers from those who have been there.

Our professional Workshop membership includes working comics professionals who write (Fred van Lente, Andy Schmidt), create art (Robert Atkins, Reilly Brown), color (Chris Sotomayor) and edit (Nicole Boose). Each and every one is prepared to offer feedback, provide support, and answer questions about the art and business of making comics.

In addition to our pro members, many in the Creators Workshop community have had their work published, either through publishing companies or self-produced projects. As members, we use our diverse range of expertise to benefit one another, and we receive even more in return!

To learn more about how the Creators Workshop can help you reach your creative goals, you’ll find more of our thoughts on the subject here, or you can visit our Creators Workshop page for details and registration!

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Nicole Boose