David Finch To Teach One-Day Master Seminar on “Drawing Awesome Redux” – Saturday, March 12, 2016!

CE-FB-ad-Finch-Master-Seminar-ReduxOn SATURDAY, MARCH 12, master comic book artist David Finch will lead a One-Day Master Seminar titled “Drawing Awesome: Redux”!

This one-time-only, day-long course will lead attendees through real-time demonstrations of the techniques David uses to create the dynamic, hyper-real style his work is known for. Attendees will be able to watch, listen and learn, while they interact directly with David!

The March 12 seminar will introduce all-new content and features, built on the foundations of David’s original “Drawing Awesome” seminar in 2014. If you attended then, this year’s course will provide you with a brand-new learning experience. And newcomers will also be treated to a career’s worth of knowledge through David’s interactive approach, demonstrating and explaining how each technique affects the outcome on the page!

For David’s own take on what this course offers artists at every level, check out this interview with Bleeding Cool’s Rich Johnston.

david-finch-bioDavid Finch is the best-selling penciler of iconic titles such as The Avengers, Wonder Woman, The X-Men, and more. Seminar co-host Andy Schmidt is the CEO and founder of Comics Experience, and a veteran instructor himself. Andy will provide step-by-step structure to the day’s lessons, while David provides explanations and demonstrates techniques in real time. You’ll be able to interact with the hosts and discuss your questions directly.

The result? An all-day experience that will leave you motivated, inspired, and armed with the tools that will have YOU “drawing awesome”!

This course will be held LIVE, online – and it will only happen once! Don’t miss your chance – sign up NOW for this unique opportunity. More course details and registration are available here.

Creators Workshop members may log in here for a special offer!

Master Seminar With David Finch: Drawing Awesome Redux happens on Saturday, March 12, 2016!

If you want to make comics, write, draw, letter, and color comics, or improve as a comics creator, you’ll find like-minded friends and colleagues in our online workshops and courses. We hope to see you there!

Posted by Nicole Boose